2011.07.26. 地區外蒙古國義診資訊


2011.07.28. - 信用卡授權書 .doc.pdf ,地區總監公函#015 ,報名表 .doc.pdf

信用卡授權書 總監公函_15a 總監公函_15b 報名表

2011.08.04. - Certification Form ( Sample .doc.pdf )

p.1 p.2

[ 2011-2012 DG Medichem 網頁]

以下為最近相關之E-mail往返,供卓參:( 2011.08.12. )

----- Original Message -----
From: Barrie Evans
To: 'BV5AF(opd)' ; 'R_Ch. Ganbold'
Cc: 'Graduate' ; 'R_Paper' ; 'RDG_MediChem' ; 'R_Kelly' ; 'R_Lucky(豐原西南社)' ; 'Roy Fraser' ; 'Jillian Spruyt'
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 11:18 AM
Subject: RE: charity medical aid visit to Ulaanbaatar_20110725

Dear AG Bolin Lin,

Further to your mail, I can now confirm that our Club member Rtn. Roy Fraser has received a positive reply
to the request to host your medical team in the cities of Erdenet and Darkhan.

In order to arrange invitation letters, and agree the clinic programme, can you please kindly provide me with the following list;

1. Doctors;
a. Name (English / Chinese version).
b. Profession (medical practice (specialisation)
c. Passport number / Date of Birth etc.

2. Other visitors;
a. Name (English / Chinese version).
b. Profession.
c. Passport number / Date of Birth etc.

Yours in Rotary,
PP Barrie

----- Original Message -----
From: 寬達旅行社
Cc: fupinghosp@yahoo.com.tw
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: 蒙古行程及更新報價


25-31人,每人NT59000,32人每人NT57000 (但沒有1免費,已分攤下去了)

飯店方面目前蒙古的回報是這樣的:額爾登特 MOLOR-ERDENE HOTEL(2009年開幕) 目前只剩10間標準房,6間套房,
達爾汗 乃日木德勒酒店 NAIRAMDAL HOTEL(這間跟我昨天給的是同一間,只是改名稱,

另外,北京飯店從機場改到市區的萬豪酒店 MARRIOTT,是標準5星酒店,因晚上北京市區不會塞車,從機場到飯店大約車程25分鐘,




寬達旅行社 謝佩靜 Peggy Hsieh
TEL 04-23722180 FAX04-23722103
MSN: peggyh0815@hotmail.com
SKYPE: peggyhsieh0815
082-006-2873 寬達旅行社有限公司

----- Original Message -----
From: BV5AF(opd)
To: R_Ch. Ganbold ; R_Barrie Evans
Cc: Graduate ; R_Paper ; RDG_MediChem ; R_Kelly ; R_Lucky(豐原西南社)
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: charity medical aid visit to Ulaanbaatar_20110725

Dear Mr. Barrie Evans, p.p. of RCUB,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, we have been discussing with our travel agent details of our trip.

Here is the current plan:

September 1st: Flight number OM298, arriving at 16:20. Overnight in the Ching-Gis Khaan Hotel.
September 2nd: Travel to Erdenet, staying overnight in the Selenge Hotel.
September 3rd: Erdenet clinic before travelling to Darkhan, staying overnight in the Urturchin Hotel.
September 4th: Darkham clinic before once again staying in the Urturchin Hotel.
September 5th: Leave on flight number OM227 to Beijing at 21:50.
September 6th: Arrive in Taipei.

We hope that everything is going well with locating suitable locations for the medical clinics.
Please let us know if you expect there to be any problems with either this or sourcing wheel chairs for us to purchase.

We are wondering how many members you have in your club and also if you will have many volunteers helping with this event?
We would like to prepare some gifts for you all to show our appreciation.

We hope that you will be able to provide an invitation letter for us to apply for the relevant visa.
We'll keep you up to date with progress at this end. Once again, thank you for your help with this event.

Yours in Rotary

Bolon Lin

----- Original Message -----
From: Barrie Evans
To: 'BV5AF(opd)' ; 'R_Ch. Ganbold'
Cc: 'R_Paper' ; 'RDG_MedichemOffice' ; 'R_Kelly' ; 'R_Lucky(豐原西南社)' ; 'RDG_MediChem' ; 'Graduate'
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 6:46 PM
Subject: RE: charity medical aid visit to Ulaanbaatar_20110720

Dear AG Bolon Lin,

Many thanks for your reply.

I will be in Darkhan this weekend, and will hopefully establish direct contact with the hospital Director.

For Erdenet we must do some initial planning – so it would help to know if your travel agent can guide me on possible Ulaanbaatar arrival time,
as there is a night sleeper train every evening at 20:30, arriving Erdenet around 08:00 the next morning.

The following is “first” thoughts itinerary – but can be changed to suit local requirements;

Day 1: Arrive - Depart Erdenet




Day 2: Erdenet Clinic

Day 3: Erdenet – Darkhan




Day 4: Darkhan clinic

Day 5: Darkhan / UB – subject to flight times, shelter clinic visit.

Erdenet to Darkhan (around 3 hours) can be by coach / mini buses - Darkhan back to UB (around 3 hours), or night train.

I am requesting information about wheelchair supply / cost.

I will let you know further news after the weekend.

Yours in Rotary,


From: BV5AF(opd) [mailto:bv5af@ms1.hinet.net]
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 10:49 AM
To: R_Ch. Ganbold; R_Barrie Evans
Cc: R_Paper; RDG_MedichemOffice; R_Kelly; R_Lucky(豐原西南社); RDG_MediChem; Graduate
Subject: Re: charity medical aid visit to Ulaanbaatar_20110720

Dear PP Barrie,

Many thanks for your reply and suggested itinerary.
We are happy with your suggestion and would also be happy to take the coach to Erdenet
as soon as we arrive on the evening of 1.9.11 if this means we would
have more time to setup and organise ourselves.
However, we will be guided by you if you think this isn't practical. It would be helpful
if you are able to provide an indication of approximate journey times
between locations so that our travel agent can begin to make arrangements.

Also, if you feel there are any opportunities for some of our group to
visit homeless shelters, orphanages or other institutions within
Erdenet or Darkhan then we would like to do this.

Finally, we would be grateful if you are able to help us source and
find out the cost of twenty basic wheelchairs that we could purchase
and then distribute during our visit.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours in Rotary

Bolon Lin (Rtn. Doctor)

----- Original Message -----

From: Barrie Evans

To: 'BV5AF(opd)' ; 'R_Ch. Ganbold'

Cc: 'RDG3450_Jason Yeung' ; 'RDG_Joseph Chang' ; 'R_Lucky(豐原西南社)' ; 'R_Kelly' ; 'RDG_MedichemOffice' ; 'R_Paper' ; 'R_Orthop(田中社)'

Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 12:21 AM

Subject: RE: charity medical aid visit to Ulaanbaatar

Dear AG Bolon Lin,

Further to your reply to my questions, I have this evening discussed the possibility of your group making visits to the cities of Darkhan & Erdenet.

The idea being developed is for your group to visit two small hospitals where the visiting Doctors could,
with local Doctors assistance, provide two x 1 day medical clinic programmes.

The timing would be;

1. 1.9.11 - Arrive

2. 2.9.11 – Early coach departure to Erdenet

3. 3.9.11 – Erdenet clinic

4. 3.9.11 - late afternoon travel to Darkhan (or early am 4.9.11)

5. 4.9.11 – Darkhan clinic

6. 5.9.11 – return to UB for Evening departure.

In order to obtain letters of invitation, a fellow Rotarian is now assessing & discussing with local hospital Directors –
so we need to co-ordinate with both them, and yourselves concerning the programme.

Perhaps you would kindly let me know if this idea is acceptable, so that I can pursue the matter further.

Yours in Rotary,

PP Barrie

----- Original Message -----
From: 寬達旅行社
To: graduate
Cc: bv5af@ms1.hinet.net
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: charity medical aid visit to Ulaanbaatar (中山醫大外蒙古學生)

林醫師 / 靜宜

9/1 大韓 KE 692 台北/首爾 1325 / 1650
9/1 大韓 KE 867 首爾/烏蘭巴托 1940 / 2210
9/5 大韓 KE 868 烏蘭巴托/首爾 2350 / 0350 (9/6)
9/6 大韓 KE 691 首爾/台北 1035 / 1205

9/1 抵達烏蘭巴托 宿烏蘭巴托
9/2 烏蘭巴托 - ERDENET(額爾登特) 早上烏蘭巴托市區觀光(甘丹寺 . 歷史博物館.柏格德汗冬宮博物館 ) 午餐之後前往
ERDENET(額爾登特) ,車程大約4小時 宿 額爾登特
9/3 額爾登特義診 宿 額爾登特
9/4 ERDENET(額爾登特) - DARKHAN (達爾汗) 早餐後前往DARKHAN (達爾汗),車程大約1.5小時,義診 宿達爾汗
9/5 DARKHAN (達爾汗) - 特日勒吉國家公園(車程大約2-3小時),探訪草原游牧家庭 - 返回烏蘭巴托(車程大約2小時) - 觀賞蒙
古傳統歌舞表演 - 晚餐 - 喀什米爾羊毛商場 - 機場


寬達旅行社 謝佩靜 Peggy Hsieh
TEL 04-23722180 FAX04-23722103
MSN: peggyh0815@hotmail.com
SKYPE: peggyhsieh0815
082-006-2873 寬達旅行社有限公司

Reference: ( 2012.01.12. )[ Photos ]

1. http://www.rotary3460a.org.tw/wp2/?p=732. http://www.rotary3460a.org.tw/wp2/?p=1163. http://www.rotary3460a.org.tw/wp2/?p=228

首頁WEB2地區友社活動WebLogBLog、de Doctor / BV5AF,更新日期: 2012年1月13日 星期五, 3:56 AM