驚喜合唱 民歌四十 Flash Mob Chorus at Ban Qiao Rail Station

驚喜合唱 民歌四十 Flash Mob Chorus at Ban Qiao Rail Station
發佈日期:2015年2月17日, 訂閱 4萬
適逢民歌四十年,2015年【驚喜合唱】以民歌為主題,精選了包括今山古道、微風往事、木棉道、散場電影、如果、恰似你的溫柔、外婆的澎湖灣、一條日光大道 等八首充滿畫面與時代代表的經典民歌,作為再返台北的曲目。

驚喜合唱 101 Flash Mob Chorus in Taipei 101, Taiwan
發佈日期:2013年7月8日 , 訂閱 4萬
A heart warming flash mob chorus performance of popular Taiwanese and Chinese songs in the food court of Taipei 101, Taiwan. The songs performed are:
Green Island Serenade (lv-dao-xiao-ye-qu), Jasmine (mo-li-hua), Spring Breeze (wang-chun-feng) and Mountain is Green (gao-shan-qing).
The motivation of this event is to show the beauty of Taiwan, its songs, places, and people, to the world.
Enjoy it and share with your friends.
『You are welcome to share the link to this Youtube page, however NO part of this video may be downloaded, reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the copyright owner』

驚喜合唱 北京國貿 Flash Mob Chorus at CWTC Beijing
發佈日期:2013年12月22日,訂閱 4萬
一群喜好音樂的志願者在北京國貿的美食街快閃表演了美麗動人的歌曲,包括 “月亮代表我的心”, “彎彎的月亮”, “甜蜜蜜”, “讓我們蕩起雙槳”, “茉莉花”, “站在高崗上” 以及 “高山青”。我們帶給了現場群眾意外的驚喜,也希望可以跟全世界的朋友分享這份喜悅。
A heart warming flash mob chorus performance of popular Chinese songs at the food court of CWTC (GuoMao), Beijing, China.
The songs performed are: “The Moon Represents My Heart” (yue-liang-dai-biao-wo-de-xin), “The Crescent Moon” (wan-wan-de-yue-liang), “Oh How Sweet” (tian-mi-mi), “Let’s Row the Paddles” (rang-wo-men-dang-qi-shuang-jiang), “Jasmine” (mo-li-hua), “Standing at Hilltop” (zhan-zai-gao-gang-shang), “Mountain Is Green” (gao-shan-qing).
This surprise event has spread friendliness, happiness to the audience and many of them have participated. Enjoy it and share this link with your friends.
NOTE: You are welcome to share the link to this official site, however no part of this video may be downloaded, reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. Please visit http://www.fmctw.org for more information.

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