制裁遏北韓核武 專家認為時已晚

制裁遏北韓核武 專家認為時已晚

2017-08-02 15:15中央社 華盛頓1日綜合外電報導


彭博(Bloomberg News)報導,分析家表示,北韓的經濟保持成長,且平壤當局投入其核子計畫超過初創時的成本,使得遏止其財政已變得沒有效果。


寫有數本有關北韓著作的首爾「國民大學」(Kookmin University)韓國研究教授蘭科夫(Andrei Lankov)說:「再多的制裁都擋不了金正恩想取得ICBM;只要金氏家族還掌權,他們也很可能還能掌權很久,非核化就不可能達成,就是這樣。」



南韓慶南大學(Kyungnam University)「國際合作因應北韓發展中心」戰略計畫主任林乙哲(Lim Eul-chul,音譯)說:「若相信北韓需要數十億美元才能發展核武與飛彈,那就太可笑了;他們根本不付本國科學家太多錢,也能在國內製造大部分武器零件。」

美國密德伯里大學蒙特雷國際研究學院(Middlebury Institute of International Studies atMonterey)東亞禁核擴散計畫(East AsiaNon proliferation Program)主任路易斯(Jeffrey Lewis)認為,北韓目前的核武能力相當於美蘇1960、1970年代的水準。

國際危機組織(International Crisis Group)東北亞資深顧問柯夫瑞吉(Michael Kovrig)說:「加緊制裁只能放緩但不能阻止平壤的進程,北韓政權可能視核子嚇阻為其生存的必要因素,且很可能寧願、也能夠承受極端的困難,也不改變主意。」


Asteroid Photobomb! Space Rocks Invade Hubble Galaxy View

Asteroid Photobomb! Space Rocks Invade Hubble Galaxy View

Interloping asteroids snuck into a stunning Hubble Space Telescope image of a distant galaxy cluster, painting S-trails across the foreground of a truly cosmic view.

The Hubble telescope was looking at Abell 370 – a complex of several hundred galaxies linked together by gravity and located 4 billion light-years away — when seven faint asteroids (five of which had never been seen before) moved across the field of view.

Multiple Hubble exposures are typically combined into one image, so the asteroids appear in 20 separate sightings. The space rocks were, on average, about 160 million miles (260 million kilometers) from Earth — nearly five times farther away than Mars at its closest point. (The nearest distance between Earth and Mars is 33.9 million miles, or 54.6 million kilometers.) [The Most Amazing Hubble Telescope Discoveries]

“The asteroid trails look curved due to an observational effect called parallax. As Hubble orbits around Earth, an asteroid will appear to move along an arc with respect to the vastly more distant background stars and galaxies,” read a statement from the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), which manages Hubble observations.

Photobombing asteroids paint S-trails across the galaxy cluster Abell 370 in this amazing composite image from the Hubble Space Telescope. Seven asteroids created 20 trails in this view when they crossed Hubble's field of view during multiple exposures of the galaxy cluster.

Photobombing asteroids paint S-trails across the galaxy cluster Abell 370 in this amazing composite image from the Hubble Space Telescope. Seven asteroids created 20 trails in this view when they crossed Hubble’s field of view during multiple exposures of the galaxy cluster.

Credit: NASA, ESA, and STScI

“This parallax effect is somewhat similar to the effect you see from a moving car, in which trees by the side of the road appear to be passing by much more rapidly than background objects at much larger distances,” STScI officials explained in the same statement. “The motion of Earth around the sun, and the motion of the asteroids along their orbits, are other contributing factors to the apparent skewing of asteroid paths.”

Each asteroid was found manually by “blinking” images (quickly moving between different images of the same field of view) to look for asteroid motion. The arcs of the asteroid motions are distinct from separate arcs of blue light, which represent distorted images of galaxies that are behind the cluster. (The light from these galaxies is bent by dark matter, scientists said.)

Asteroid trails are visible in this view from the Hubble Space Telescope taken from the Frontier Fields survey, which contains thousands of galaxies. While there are 20 asteroid trails, only seven are unique objects; the remainder are repeats caused by multiple exposures.

Asteroid trails are visible in this view from the Hubble Space Telescope taken from the Frontier Fields survey, which contains thousands of galaxies. While there are 20 asteroid trails, only seven are unique objects; the remainder are repeats caused by multiple exposures.

Credit: NASA, ESA, and B. Sunnquist and J. Mack (STScI)

“This picture was assembled from images taken in visible and infrared light,” STScI officials added in the statement. “The field’s position on the sky is near the ecliptic, the plane of our solar system. This is the zone in which most asteroids reside, which is why Hubble astronomers saw so many crossings. Hubble deep-sky observations taken along a line-of-sight near the plane of our solar system commonly record asteroid trails.”

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2017年11月02日 22:28 中時 王嘉源






