
發佈日期:2014年12月16日 , 訂閱

Conclusion: Mankind lived on Mars about 3.5 billion years ago.
During our life on Mars, we developed sophisticated civilizations. About three billion years ago, all life on Mars went extinct suddenly. Later, Mars and our dead bodies were frozen. This video presents evidence for fossils and man-made pavements on Mars. The images were taken by NASA’s rovers on Mars and NASA’s satellite that orbits around Mars. The images are described in details in this article: http://wretchfossil.blogspot.tw/2014/…
Detailed evidences for Martian concrete pavements are listed in: http://wretchfossil.blogspot.tw/2014/…
The following article proves the “rocks” are not rocks: http://wretchfossil.blogspot.tw/2015/…
My Website: http://wretchfossil.blogspot.tw/
My Videos and Photos:
Videos on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/LinLiang…
Videos in Xuite http://vlog.xuite.net/lin440315940
Photos in Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/fossil_…
Photos in Xuite http://photo.xuite.net/lin440315940

Mountain and Forest Activities – Taiwan Tourism Video (3 minutes)

Mountain and Forest Activities – Taiwan Tourism Video (3 minutes)

觀光局這次拍的真棒 ! 合歡山, 雪山,大霸尖山, 奇萊北山 ,鳶嘴山 ,玉山 ,台南二寮 ,三分鐘的短片 ,看盡台灣高山之美
